Houston Landing

Financial Analyst

Gilbert Garcia

Gilbert Garcia is a financial analyst and managing partner of Gilbert, Hamilton and Associates.

From 2010 to 2016, Garcia chaired the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County.

During Garcia’s tenure at METRO, he oversaw the addition of 15 miles of light rail and a redesign of the city’s bus network.

Garcia hopes to “shake up” city hall, according to his campaign website, pointing to his track record as a reformist while serving as Metro chair.

Garcia plans to achieve that goal by investing in community policing efforts like more training, equipment and civilian staff, and conducting audits of the city’s housing and health departments to address resident concerns.

Direct from readers

The following questions were submitted directly from Houston Landing readers.

Click the questions to see candidates' answers.

In their own words:

Why should voters consider you for mayor?


Ending traffic deaths

As traffic congestion continues to choke our streets and highways, vehicular violence perpetrated by aggressive drivers has made it a risky proposition for Houstonians to travel along our city streets and sidewalks by means that don't involve a car. As mayor, what would be your first step to address this crisis and move Houston towards its "Vision Zero" goal of ending traffic deaths and serious injury by 2030?



Tell us what experience you have in running an organization as large as the city of Houston, with a multi-billion dollar annual budget and thousands of employees.


Public transit

What will you do to improve public transit in the city of Houston?


Affordable housing needs

What specific plans do you have in mind to address the affordable housing crisis in our city, and how do you intend to ensure that the housing needs of all residents, including low-income families and vulnerable populations, are adequately met?

Emergency Management

Improving response

How do you plan to strengthen and grow the city's emergency management and preparedness capabilities?

Written by reporters

The following questions were written by Houston Landing staff members based on responses to our community survey about this year's election.

Click the questions to see candidates' answers.

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Public Safety


The Houston Police Department was allocated more than $1 billion for the coming fiscal year, nearly 16 percent of the city's budget. How will you address the rising concerns about crime and public safety in a fiscally responsible way?

City Budget

Spending needs

Reserve funds that have been built into the city's budget most will likely cover any revenue shortfalls during your first year in office, but that is not a long-term solution to the city's financial problems. How will you build annual budgets that both meet Houstonians' needs and also place the city on sound economic footing?

Flooding & Drainage

Storm readiness

Flooding from Hurricane Harvey devastated the city, with many residents — especially those on the city's north and east sides — still reeling from its effects. What are your plans to address the city's storm and flood readiness in a way that protects and ensures the safety of all Houstonians?

Houston's Autonomy

Working with Austin

As mayor, how will you work with a state legislature that frequently has been at odds with cities — Houston in particular — when it comes to local control, in a way that will benefit Houstonians?

Quality of Life

Responding to needs

From food insecurity to rising housing prices and a strained road infrastructure, many Houstonians feel like the city is not working in their best interest. How do you plan on improving the quality of life for all of Houston's residents?

City Services

Improving operations

Trash pickup delays, incorrect and overpriced water bills and drainage issues have become increasingly common for many Houstonians. How will you ensure that city service departments operate at their highest level for all residents?

Business Development

Ensuring economic growth

Houston's economy is centered in large part around the energy industry, specifically oil and gas. Amid the increasing calls across the globe for a transition to cleaner energy sources, how will you ensure that Houston continues to be an economic leader in our region and across the nation?

Trash Collection

Adopting a trash fee

Unlike other major cities, Houston does not charge property owners for trash collection services. Introducing a trash fee, however, has become an increasingly common topic of conversation at City Hall in recent years. Do you favor implementing a trash/recycling collection fee? Why or why not?

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Houston Landing is committed to covering all aspects of this year’s election. Read more about the candidates and important issues driving this year’s mayoral race.

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